Up and down pools, in and out of gyms, along dusty country roads and through daring dreams it runs: the path to greatness.

Every yard that’s swum, each pound that’s lifted and every mile that’s traversed become yet another brick that’s forged to this path, clearing the way for you to inch forward. Over there, by the horizon, your goals beckon.

Rarely, though, is it a straight path.

My own injuries veered me almost entirely off course. It happened so quickly: a simple mishap during a soccer scrimmage between pool workouts. A searing pain that lingered for years, and doubts that grew with each passing day.

Some called me crazy for fighting it. “Who’s crazy?” I always shot back. “He who gave up, or he who gave himself a second chance?”

I listened to my body and learned to read its signals. My failures made me wiser. Through my injuries, I found ways to become stronger.

Years later, when I finally hung up my cap and goggles and walked away, it was on my own terms. I had achieved far more than I set out to do. I had stood atop podiums, represented my country and, more importantly, proved to myself that I had what it took.

I’ve now made it my career to help others go faster, better, further. Swimmer Strength is the sum of my experiences, my knowledge and my determination to propel others to greatness.

Let’s take a stroll together down the path to greatness!

Are you a swimmer who’s had repetitive injuries over the course of your career?

If so, I encourage you to check out our Swimmer Strength virtual coaching program.

Listen guys, there’s been plenty of times in my life where I have been hesitant signing up for something because I didn’t know weather to trust it, or have a lot of money, and want to make sure it’s a “sure-fire-win” 

At the same time, when I finally did dip my toes in the water, I found out it was a process that helped me out tremendously.

The same thing could be said about my Swimmer Strength program.

I have put together a platform that has videos of exercises and a wide range of tools to help you swim faster.

Even if you are someone who is a little hesitant about these things, check it out. It might do you some good.

At the very least, you will get one good idea to help move the needle forward. 

Swimmer Strength.com

We mentor you through challenging stages in your career.

We support your goals and equally care for your health.

We guide you through important stages of physical development. 

We teach you smarter ways to explore what your body is capable of.

  • Teach.

  • Lead.

  • Support.

  • Guide

  • Care.

  • Adapt.

  • Manage.

  • Learn.

  • Mentor.

And this became my truth:

My failures made me wiser, my injuries made me stronger!

Swimmers Strength Story

Up and down pools, in and out of gyms, along dusty country roads and through daring dreams it runs: the path to greatness.

Every yard that’s swum, each pound that’s lifted and every mile that’s traversed become yet another brick that’s forged to this path, clearing the way for you to inch forward. Over there, by the horizon, your goals beckon.

Rarely, though, is it a straight path.

My own injuries veered me almost entirely off course. It happened so quickly: a simple mishap during a soccer scrimmage between pool workouts. A searing pain that lingered for years, and doubts that grew with each passing day.

Some called me crazy for fighting it. “Who’s crazy?” I always shot back. “He who gave up, or he who gave himself a second chance?”

I listened to my body and learned to read its signals. My failures made me wiser. Through my injuries, I found ways to become stronger.

Years later, when I finally hung up my cap and goggles and walked away, it was on my own terms. I had achieved far more than I set out to do. I had stood atop podiums, represented my country and, more importantly, proved to myself that I had what it took.

I’ve now made it my career to help others go faster, better, further. Swimmer Strength is the sum of my experiences, my knowledge and my determination to propel others to greatness.


Let’s take a stroll together down the path to greatness!




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Are you a swimmer who’s had repetitive injuries over the course of your career?

If so, I encourage you to check out our Swimmer Strength virtual coaching program.
We mentor you through challenging stages in your career.
We support your goals and equally care for your health.
We guide you through important stages of physical development.
We teach you smarter ways to explore what your body is capable of.

Listen guys, there’s been plenty of times in my life where I have been hesitant signing up for something because I didn’t know weather to trust it, or have a lot of money, and want to make sure it’s a “sure-fire-win” 

At the same time, when I finally did dip my toes in the water, I found out it was a process that helped me out tremendously.

The same thing could be said about my Swimmer Strength program. 

I have put together a platform that has videos of exercises and a wide range of tools to help you swim faster.

Even if you are someone who is a little hesitant about these things, check it out. It might do you some good.

At the very least, you will get one good idea to help move the needle forward. 

Swimmer Strength.com

And this became my truth.

My failures made me wiser, my injuries made me stronger

Let’s take a stroll together down the path to greatness… Rarely, though, is it a straight path!

Join us, we’ve got your back

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