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Welcome To Swimmer Strength

Hi everyone!

And warm welcome to the Swimmer Strength Membership Platform - Let's get to know each other!

I am encouraging new members to introduce themselves on our community network; Where are you from? What is your current role? What is your main goal being on this platform? And what is a fun hobby you enjoy outside swimming?


Ask anything and request anything on this page - in matter of days your questions are answered and within 1-2 weeks, your video request will be up and live on the platform for our entire community. Remember, we are continuing to build the platform each week and month. I know some of your interest is to gain relative strength and gain better flexibility. If I know these things, I can help direct you to appropriate training videos - if you are unable to find them that is!


I'm born and raised in Gothenburg, SWE and work both on Swimmer Strength and the Arizona High-Performance Swimming Academy. My goal here is for you to have a delightful experience with our first version on this platform and to keep developing it in the needs you would like to see it happen. We anticipate a launch of a SS App in 2022 with these videos compressed into a format where more workouts are available in a consumable way. On my free time I enjoy my family, but if I can get away for myself, I love playing a round of disc golf!

What about you?

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